Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hynson, Stoner, & Wolfe

I never thought that a person can actually traffic drugs using a surf board. This very much surprised me and caused me to chuckle. Hynson's story about trying to cross the border in order to go to Australia explains how they were successful in doing this. In one of the last paragraphs, I felt like I finally discovered how to explain how a person feels when they're high in words! Other than this interesting topic, the photographs that were taken by Bruce were definitely valuable and they couldn't afford them to be confiscated by the authorities in the airports. It was also funny how they' use Robert's "good-looks" in order to create some sort of distraction.
In Stoner's Portfolio, the photographs are very beautiful. It's different though because the surf photos I've seen on magazines and fosters are usually in color but the one's in his portfolio were black and white. Ron Stoner's black and white photographs would capture the moments of beautiful surfing waves and was eventually published in popular surf magazine. These images taken by Jeff Hollenbeck in the 1960's, Ron Stoner's nephew, was not a surfer but he was always near the surfers snapping pictures. This is similar to today's surf photographers. Besides the photography, there was a draft during the mid 1960's and soldiers were encouraged to eat toothpaste in order to increase blood pressure! I have never heard of this.
Since I've been raised in the city, I was never able to see the surf culture. But Wolfe's article certainly made me look back on the multiple times I'd see a trunk full of surf boards as I'd drive to the Santa Monica beach. Wolfe wrote about how the Cali surf culture would consist of old people socializing with old people and young people socializing with young people. This pretty much summed up what I'd observe at the beach. He also taled about some of the "surf saying" or "surf language" such as "bitchen" which basically means "great". I am naively aware of the only surf term "gnarly". (If that's a real surf word?)

1 comment:

  1. Angie -

    Thanks for your insights. For more on surf lingo, check out this youtube video:

