Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Malibu Privatization

In Warshaw's History of Surfing, Malibu beach of the nineteen twenty's is described as a private beach owned by the Rindge family. Yet, even today Malibu beach is not a truly open and free beach. Sure many people visit Malibu beach today but now instead of one rich family controlling the beach, many rich celebrity families do.

Here is a photo of Malibu in the early 1930's

The beach is cordoned off somewhat by homes on the beach, a few roads exist that allow for access to the beach but not many. This "private beach" attracted many wealthier families over the next few decades but nothing as to the amount of people currently owning beach front property.

Here is a photo of Malibu today

Most if not all of the beach is completely blocked off from the highway or public access. Millionaire homes line the beach front, with security systems meant to keep people away from their homes and "their" beach.
This privatization of the ocean has become more and more apparent in the last few decades as the truly rich can afford to capitalize on any beach or beach town they see fit.

Even Santa Cruz or more specifically Capitola has a problem with people building homes right at the edge of the beach. What was once a freedom enjoyed by many people has now become a luxury for the wealthy.

1 comment:

  1. Gabe -

    Great post (unfortunately the Malibu photo from the '20s is a broken link now). If you're interested in pursuing this topic, perhaps for your final project, you should look into the battle for Martin's Beach, just up the road in Half Moon Bay. More info here:

    - Trey
