Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Surf Beat

The electric guitar became the most popular instrument in the 70's. I was known as "tough" music. Surfers listened to this kind of music because "tough" was cool. Usually surfers and greasers listened to this song and created mosh pits but in the end, they would all become friends. This can also be called Surfers vs. Greasers. Later the guitar began to be a lot more popular when the famous guitarist, Dick Dale, "melted the guitar picks". He played the guitar so fast that people believed that his fingers' friction would melt the guitar picks. Later on, the electric guitar motivated people in wanting to bring the old street rock n' roll back. People, surfers in particular, did not appreciate all the lovey dovey that was going on in the music industry. Bands were playing too many sentimental lyrics. Finally, in the mid 70s, Metal made t's way into the punk movement. The punk movement was at it's top during the mid 70's as well. Soon,  the Baby Boom also made it's impact on the music industry. Most babies were born during the 50's which made most of the record buyers, teenagers and young adults. The American Record Business increased its sales rate by 120 percent. Later in the early 80's "John and the Mgatriders" made its popular hits. This made way for the creation of the "Surf Punks".

1 comment:

  1. Angie -

    I really enjoyed your connections between surfers and greasers, and I think there are a lot of aesthetic correlations between the two sub-cultures. It would serve your writing well to tease out some of these connections more explicitly for your reader, while simultaneously strengthening your argument.

    - Trey
