Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week Seven : The Bikini

When we all think of the bikini, I'm pretty sure the last thing we think about is nuclear weapons. I would have never guessed where the actual origin of the bikini name came from. For those who don't know, the bikini was named after the Bikini Islands. This was the island where the U.S. between 1946-1958 tested 25 nuclear bombs.  The Bikinians were told that the island would be used for "the good of mankind and to end all wars". After 10 years, the islanders returned to the Bikini, but shortly after, had to leave due to contamination and would not be able to return for about 30 - 60 years. Who would have thought that the origin of the bikini would have had such a dark past! The same year the US started nuclear testing, French designer Louis Reard launched the two piece bathing suit which he named, the bikini.  Teaiwa's article really was really interesting and informing about the origins of the bikini.

<------------ On a side note, me and Pechrachanna had a revelation about the show Spongebob! It was named Bikini Bottom because it was under the Bikini Island and that is why some episodes show the explosions! Just thought you would want to know a little fun fact haha! :)

1 comment:

  1. Marisol -

    I had no idea that Sponge Bob's environment was an allusion to the Bikini Islands - great connection! Let me know if you can find any pertinent clips where the explosions take place . . .

    As for the Teaiwa article, in terms of the bikini as a masking agent, what sort of violence, whether physical or psychological, do you feel that the bikini in complicit in today?

    - Trey
